Sedate. Competently. Safely.

Sedation courses

Everyone has a right to painless and stress-free treatment. In 2008, gastroenterologists introduced a sedation guideline to improve patient safety. Sedation by non-anaesthesiologists has become increasingly widespread. Areas of expertise such as cardiology, pulmonology and others follow. But dealing with Sedativa – i.e. Propofol and Midazolam - wants to be learned and needs extensive training so that these drugs can be safely applied to the patient.

Practical training

Since 2003, we have been training gastroenterologists and assistants from endoscopy in the safe application of various drugs for sedation. After the introduction of the guidelines in 2008, more than 2,000 doctors and 6,000 assistants have attended our courses. In the meantime, we are also offering this course concept for sedation in interventional cardiology.

In addition to general reanimation exercises, the practical incident management is important to us. Thus, in small groups, our participants must recognize and treat respiratory and cardiac disorders. The full-scale simulators used for this purpose have a physiological and pharmacological model, which ensures a realistic and lasting learning experience.

After successful participation, you will receive a certificate according to the current guidelines "Sedation in gastrointestinal endoscopy".

Our goals

  • Increase patient satisfaction - reduce anxiety and stress
  • Increased safety for all patients during and after the examination
  • Improvement of the examination conditions

Course offer according to current guidelines


For endoscopy, we offer different variants of sedation courses. The basic course for assistant staff (G2 course) is a 3-day course according to the S3 guideline "Sedation in endoscopy". Following the basic course is a one-day refresher course (G5 course), which should be completed every 2-3 years. The guidelines recommend a team training course (G1 entry level / G4 refresher course) with doctors and assistants.


The counterpart to the G2 course is the K2 course and is aimed at assistant cardiology staff. Also designed as a 3-day course, it provides skills in sedation, sedation monitoring and emergency management.


Lesson content

  • Pharmacology
  • Structural and personnel requirements
  • Monitoring and sedation management
  • Complication management in endoscopy or cardiology
  • Documentation and quality assurance
  • Legal aspects
  • Practical training at the patient simulator
  • Theoretical and practical final examination

Guideline-compliant solution

We offer our courses as team training in the form of a day event for physicians and assistants. In addition, based on the current guidelines (DGVS and DGEA), we also train medical assistants from endoscopy or cardiology to qualified specialists.

The group size of our courses is 10 to 12 participants.

All courses are certified for the continuous further education of the nursing and the medical association. Our trainers and consultants have excellent job-specific knowledge and experience. In addition, they are specifically trained in Human Factors and Crisis Resource Management (CRM). You are trained on the simulator according to DGAI guidelines and SESAM guidelines.

Sedation courses
Sedation courses
Sedation courses
Sedation courses
Sedation courses
„Gain experience in an environment which is safe for your patient and yourself.”
  • Relaxed atmosphere
  • Protected learning environment
  • High practice
  • Realistic premises
  • Personal care
  • Small groups
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